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Specifying Plumbing for Future-Proof Homes and Buildings

Fit for Purpose: Specifying Plumbing for Future-Proof Homes and Buildings

Eric Winter, Director of Product Development at RWC, delves into the importance of long-term performance, safety, and sustainability in domestic plumbing and heating systems.

Reducing Pressure with PRVs

To safeguard a plumbing system for years to come, effectively managing water pressure from the mains supply is essential. Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) are indispensable devices for specifiers seeking to counteract the detrimental effects of high water pressure.

Improving Safety with Backflow Prevention Valves

In addition to maintaining safe water pressures within properties, plumbing systems should be specified to ensure the safety of the water supply itself. Backflow prevention valves are designed to protect systems from contamination by preventing unsanitary water from flowing back into the network.


Specifying for Sustainability

Sustainability is a significant consideration in creating future-proof homes. The UK’s housing stock is already a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with approximately one-fifth of housing-related emissions originating from heating water.

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